Natto - Rhapsody Organic + Non-GMO

Rhapsody Organic Natto
Rhapsody Organic Natto
Rhapsody Organic Natto
Rhapsody Organic Natto

Natto, sticky fermented whole soybeans, is a traditional Japanese breakfast food. It is the richest food source of vitamin K2, essential in proper calcium absorption. Natto is also a living food and contains the highly beneficial probiotic enzyme nattokinase. Nattokinase is key in a healthy digestive system, known to aid in digestive disorders, especially those caused by antibiotic use, and essential for proper blood clotting mechanisms.

Rhapsody Natto comes in two varieties: large bean & small bean.

Rhapsody Large Bean Natto is made by fermenting large organic soybeans using the bacillus subtillis culture. Although 80% of all natto sold in Japan is made from the small soybeans, many find the large beans more satisfying to their taste, it being bolder and distinctly flavorful in its own way.

Rhapsody Small Bean Natto is made by fermenting small soybeans using bacillus subtillis culture. Most traditional natto sold in the US is made with small soybeans. Currently, there are no growers for organic small soybeans so this natto version is made with beans that are third party certified non-GMO (non-Genetically Modified Organism).

Although processed soy products like tofu, soy milk and isolated soy protein are not recommended, fermented soy products like tempeh, natto and miso are considered beneficial by the Weston A. Price Foundation and are allowed on a low lectin diet since the fermentation process breaks down the lectins.

Probiotic. Gluten Free. Fermented. Vegan. Low Sodium. High protein.

Rhapsody Organic Natto 6 years ago
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Rhapsody Organic Natto 6 years ago
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Rhapsody Organic Natto 6 years ago
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