Natto Spores - Mitoku Traditional

Mitoku Traditional Natto Spores

Natto spores (natto-moto) are the starter culture used with soybeans (and other beans) to make traditional Japanese natto fresh at home. The fermentation process breaks down the lectins. If you want to avoid the goitrogenic effects of soy (which may be enhanced by fermentation), you can use other beans – like adzuki – to make natto. When soy or other beans are fermented with this culture, high levels of vitamin K-2 are produced. Contains non-GMO Japanese natural powdered natto starter spores (bacillus subtilis natto).

“Best Non-GMO Organic Soybean Natto”
Investing in a pressure cooker makes the process of making natto so much quicker and easier. I place the soybeans on a steamer basket over water and cook them under pressure for about a half hour. I’ve never had a batch go bad using Mitoku spores and organically grown soybeans. Mine are incubated… Angie

Mitoku Traditional Natto Spores 6 years ago
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